Our Vision and Values
Our vision
We want Virginia Primary School to be a community of happy, confident, motivated lifelong learners.
We want our children to be successful citizens who value themselves and each other.
Therefore, we are continually striving to ensure that we nurture, challenge and enable each and every one to be the very best they can be in all areas of school life.
Our values
The following values are at the heart of everything we do and guide us in our work
- Welcoming all
- Personalised learning
- Equality of access & opportunity
- Respecting difference
- Feeling valued
- Being kind
- Showing empathy
- Lifelong learning
- Adapting to a changing world
- Understanding & learning about ourselves
- Learning from each other
- Taking pride in our work
- Celebrating our achievements
- The importance of physical and mental health
- Having a voice
- Having courage
- Having confidence.
- Challenging inequality & injustice
- Taking responsibility
- Making a difference
- Understanding our feelings and emotions
- Taking risks
- Enjoying challenges
- Stepping outside your comfort zone
- Using a growth mindset
- Being curious
- Asking questions
- Perseverance