Parental Involvement
Engaging Parents and Families
We fully appreciate the important part parents and families play in the education of their children and we are committed to supporting them and involving them in school life in many different ways. Therefore, we have developed a range of strategies to engage parents with the work we do and to give parents a voice in the development of our school.
Shelly Hussain is our parent liaison leader and her role is to develop and facilitate activities for parents that either develop their own skills or support them in helping their children.
Shelly can also signpost parents to other organisations they may need such as ESOL classes, health care, child care etc.
She is also able to translate for our Bangladeshi families.
Shelly is also our administrative assistant and is based in the office opposite the parent’s room.
Whole School Celebrations
Families are very welcome to attend good learning assemblies, class family assemblies, special assemblies (Eid, Christmas, Anti-Bullying week, book week etc.)
We also invite parents to family day and parties for Eid and Christmas.
Dates for these special events are published in the weekly newsletter.