Attendance and Behaviour
We believe in giving every child in our care the widest educational opportunities in order for them to be happy and successful citizens. Attending school on time every day is very important for the following reasons:
- For pupils to build on prior learning and not have gaps in learning.
- For pupils to feel that they are fully included and have access to all areas of learning.
- For pupils to develop strong friendships and good relationships.
- For pupils to develop good habits which will stand them in good stead in the future.
- It is the legal responsibility for a child’s parent or carer to ensure that they attend school on time, every day.
It is important that you call the school office as soon as possible if your child is unable to attend school for any reason.
Positive Behaviour
There are many children in our school who behave well, who listen, concentrate and learn, children who treat others with respect and are happy to be in class. Their behaviour can be described as positive. We would want all children in our school to be like this.
We believe that it is through promoting and developing positive behaviour that our children will become responsible and fair citizens who value different genders, cultures, races, languages and religions represented in our school and wider community.
VPS Positive Behaviour Policy 2022-2024
We take bullying very seriously and we have put procedures in place to ensure that any issue is addressed promptly and appropriately.
We log discriminatory and bullying incidents and actions taken to deal with them. We report racist incidents to the local authority.
We will always inform parents of incidents and talk to children with parents to resolve any issues. Please see our antibullying policy for more details.